Unraveling Dr. Hamer’s First Biological Law: The Intriguing Dynamics of Biological Shock

3 min readNov 26, 2023

In the groundbreaking field of Germanic Healing Knowledge, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s first Biological Law introduces a fascinating perspective on how our bodies react to sudden, intense emotional disturbances. This law revolves around the concept of a “biological shock,” a term coined by Dr. Hamer to describe an event that catches us completely off-guard, triggering profound physical responses in our bodies and brains.

Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS): The Trigger for Physical Responses

Named after his son Dirk, Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS) encapsulates these unexpected, jarring life experiences. When a person encounters a DHS, it manifests as a unique circular, ringed lesion in the brain, known as a Hamer Focus. This physical brain change is a testament to the profound impact emotional shocks can have on our physiology.

The Characteristics of a DHS: Sudden, Isolating, and Personal

A DHS is characterized by its unexpectedness and suddenness, often described by people as feeling like “someone pulled the rug out from under them.” This shock is so abrupt that it activates our primal survival instincts, shifting our nervous system into a state of high alert. In this state, people often isolate themselves, inadvertently intensifying the shock’s impact on their body.

Biological Special Programs (BSPs): Nature’s Response to Conflict Shocks

Dr. Hamer’s extensive research led to the identification of Biological Special Programs (BSPs), the body’s natural strategies to manage these “conflict shocks.” These BSPs are not diseases in the traditional sense but are survival mechanisms that are consistent and automatic, a phenomenon observed in humans, animals, and even plants. However, it’s important to note that these principles don’t apply to conditions unrelated to DHS, such as nutritional deficiencies or accidents.

The Subjective Nature of Biological Shocks

The way individuals perceive a biological shock is critical in determining the body’s response. For instance, a person experiencing a bank robbery might perceive it as a life-threatening event, triggering a response in the lungs as part of the Lung Biological Program. In contrast, another person might interpret it as an attack, activating the Corium (Dermis) Biological Program. This subjective interpretation is crucial in shaping the body’s reaction.

From Shock to Healing: Understanding the Body’s Response

Concurrent with the emergence of a DHS, the brain signals a corresponding response in a specific area of the body — a Biological Special Program, intended to help the individual cope with the shock. Contrary to allopathic views, these responses, often labeled as “diseases,” are not enemies to be eradicated. Instead, they are biological processes that begin instantly for a reason, aiding us in dealing with the shock.

A New Perspective on Disease and Healing

Take the example of a bank death-fright shock. In response, the alveolar tissue in the lungs proliferates, increasing oxygen absorption to help the body manage the shock. While allopathic medicine might diagnose this as lung cancer, GHK sees it as a normal, helpful biological response.

Redefining Health and Illness

Through the lens of Dr. Hamer’s first Biological Law, we gain a new understanding of health and illness. Diseases are reinterpreted as biological responses, designed to help us navigate life’s unexpected shocks. This law opens a window into the intricate ways our emotions and physical health are intertwined, offering a fresh perspective on the body’s natural healing processes.

The Five Biological Laws: A Guide to Understanding Body and Mind

Law 1: The Intriguing Dynamics of Biological Shock

Law2: Understanding the Second Biological Law: The Dual Phases of Shock-Initiated Diseases

Law3: Deciphering Dr. Hamer’s Third Biological Law: Brain Responses and Tissue Reactions

Law4: Exploring Dr. Hamer’s Fourth Biological Law: The Critical Role of Microbes in Healing

Law5: Unveiling the Fifth Biological Law: Redefining Disease as Nature’s Biological Program




Sed has been working for 16 years in product and engineering, always laser focused on building sustainable product ecosystems.