Understanding the Second Biological Law: The Dual Phases of Shock-Initiated Diseases

3 min readNov 26, 2023

In the fascinating world of Germanic Healing Knowledge, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's Second Biological Law offers a profound insight into how our bodies navigate through illness. This law delves into the dual nature of diseases initiated by emotional shocks, emphasizing the existence of two distinct phases: the shock phase and the healing phase.

The Dual Nature of Disease: Shock Phase and Healing Phase

This law posits that every disease triggered by a biological shock, or Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS), unfolds in two potential phases – provided the initial shock is resolved. The first is the shock or conflict-active phase, characterized by the body's immediate response to the shock. The second, the conflict-resolution or healing phase, is where most symptoms manifest. Interestingly, it's during this healing phase that symptoms, often misdiagnosed as separate diseases, including various inflammations and cancers, become evident.

Transition from Stress to Healing: A Predictable Change

Dr. Hamer observed a predictable shift in symptoms as individuals move from the shock phase to the healing phase. During the shock phase, individuals typically experience coldness, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, and stress. Upon resolving the shock, there's a noticeable shift: the body warms up, appetite returns, sleep patterns normalize, and a sense of relief and deep fatigue sets in. This transition marks the move from the stress-dominated sympathetic nervous system to the relaxed, restorative parasympathetic nervous system.

Physical Adaptations: From Organ to Organism

Each specific organ or tissue involved in adapting to the shock undergoes changes during this transition. For instance, cells that were proliferating cease their growth, and organs that lost function begin to regain it. Often, people are unaware of these significant physiological changes occurring post-resolution.

Unresolved DHS: The Pathway to Chronic Conditions

If a DHS remains unresolved, the body continually attempts to adapt, leading to three possible outcomes. In extreme cases, prolonged stress can lead to death. Alternatively, individuals might suppress the shock, which can drain energy and prevent the biological program from completing, potentially leading to a re-triggering of symptoms under similar circumstances. This suppression often results in chronic conditions like migraines or arthritis, known as “hanging healing.”

The Significance of the Second Biological Law

The importance of this law lies in its redefinition of symptoms and disease. By understanding the dual phases of disease, what were once labeled as separate illnesses can now be recognized as part of a natural healing process. This insight allows for a more holistic approach to health, potentially reducing unnecessary suffering and offering a clearer path to recovery.

The Five Biological Laws: A Guide to Understanding Body and Mind

Law 1: The Intriguing Dynamics of Biological Shock

Law2: Understanding the Second Biological Law: The Dual Phases of Shock-Initiated Diseases

Law3: Deciphering Dr. Hamer’s Third Biological Law: Brain Responses and Tissue Reactions

Law4: Exploring Dr. Hamer’s Fourth Biological Law: The Critical Role of Microbes in Healing

Law5: Unveiling the Fifth Biological Law: Redefining Disease as Nature’s Biological Program




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